Learn SwiftUI framework with this reference guide

SwiftUI Reference Guide

What will you learn?

This SwiftUI Reference Guide is featuring all major updates and improvements of Apple’s native user interface framework. It covers not only the basics but more advanced topics as well such as asynchronous task, pull to refresh, search bar, custom swipe action buttons, remote image from an URL, visual effect blur, dismissing the keyboard, markdown text, new alerts & action sheets API, etc.

Want to learn data persistence with SwiftUI? Try our new SwiftData course.

 Practical Xcode Guide

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There are many benefits to using keyboard shortcuts in the Xcode editor. For beginner app developers, these shortcuts can help you work more quickly and efficiently. You can download this handy Xcode shortcuts guide which is an ebook in PDF format.

Download the Xcode Guide

Master Apple’s SwiftUI framework

SwiftUI Video Tutorials

  •   Requirements

    In this reference guide, we will learn everything about the latest improvements and features of Apple’s native user interface framework. First and foremost, you will need Xcode installed on your computer.

  •   Your First Xcode Project

    Since you have Xcode installed on your computer, therefore now it's time to launch it and create a new project by choosing the first option on the Welcome screen as I show you. By doing that, Xcode will start the project setup process, which requires some additional information about the app we want to create.

Articles with Codes and Videos

  •   Async Image

    In this SwiftUI tutorial, we will learn how to load and display an image asynchronously from the Internet. Until the remote image loads, the view displays either a standard or a custom-built placeholder. To gain more control over the loading process, we can use the initializer, which takes a content closure that receives an Async Image Phase to indicate the state of the loading operation. 

  •   Coming Soon

    The next SwiftUI topic will be uploaded soon to this new course. Until then, happy coding!

SwiftUI Course
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